Imagine 143 million lives … as books!
Imagine 143 million tulips … how big a field?
“We pledge to help each other so that everyone of us finishes.”
Our art exhibition in San Martin Texmelucan produced the most [...]
Clean Water for Scholarship Girls & Community
Paani means Water in Nepali. We salute our education partner [...]
“We pledge to help each other so that everyone of us finishes.”
Our art exhibition in San Martin Texmelucan produced the most [...]
Sports Dispel Societal Stereotypes
Pardada Pardadi Educational Society believes that a girl’s involvement in [...]
6 women leading the fight against climate change
“Following in the footsteps of climate pioneer Eunice Newton Foote, [...]
How a school for poor girls cracked the patriarchy in a rural Indian town
"Endeavors like @PardadaPardadi are about identifying the hope within the [...]
Pen pals forge cross-cultural friendships
The pleasure of being a pen pal is part of [...]