What is Gendercide?​

Gendercide is the death of females worldwide due to:
  • sex-selective abortion to favor boys over girls
  • female infanticide
  • gross neglect of young girls
  • entirely preventable maternal death
  • inability of older women to access food & shelter
  • socially sanctioned violence against women

3.7% of the global female
population eliminated.

143 million females are missing in the world (dead) due to severe discrimination and lack of rights.
That’s more deaths than World War I and World War II combined.​




That’s 3.7% of the global female population — gone.

​Source — United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 2010 World Census

​We lose ​3.2 million females each year.

The biggest losses occur at the beginning and end of life:
  • Almost 40% — sex-selective abortion (female feticide)

  • About 30% — women over age 50, especially widows, die prematurely

Sources — United Nations Population Fund World Health Organization