That’s the femicide rate in Mexico. In half the cases, women are murdered by their partners or ex-partners. The other femicides result from sex trafficking and cartel vendettas. Gendercide Awareness Project @Gendap founder and president Beverly Hill, is flanked by students at Ibero-Leon University, the first stop on a 6-month multi-city tour of Gendap’s art exhibit. One pair of baby booties represents 10,000 women and girls “missing” from the world population as a result of social causes. The exhibit places Mexico’s femicide in the larger context of global gendercide. The young women in this picture say they are emotionally and physically exhausted from fear, and that they long to be safe. Gendercide Awareness Project is a nonprofit that takes aim against gendercide through its immersive art exhibit and takes further action by educating poor, at-risk girls in low-income countries.