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Al enviar la exposición de arte ¡¿DÓNDE ESTÁN TODAS LAS MUJERES?! a varias ciudades de México y Guatemala, OMPP y Gendap buscan concientizar a las personas sobre el Generocidio , o “Gendercide,” que ocurre universalmente; siendo el feminicidio el rostro latinoamericano que a menudo ocurre en los siguientes contextos:

1.  como resultado de amenazas y deseos de controlar en una relación íntima

2.  como consecuencia de venganza del crimen organizado

3.  como parte del contexto de la trata de personas y la trata sexual

Texmulcan Unica Exhibit Poster

Gendap’s art installation is currently on exhibit in San Martin Texmelucan in the state of Puebla as it tours Mexico. This 29-year-old single mother of two vanished on her way home from work 3 years ago and has never been found. She is the face of femicide in San Martin Texmelucan. Latin America’s feminicidio problem sits within the larger context of global gendercide – the elimination of girls and women due to social causes. Gendap fights this extreme devaluation of women by educating about the 143 million females eliminated from our world. We also provide education to girls and young women in 6 countries. “Girls’ education is the best long-term strategy to end gendercide.”

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